Thursday, 21 April 2016

Bamenda: Stadium to be up in six months.

The future Bamenda  Stadium 

FECAFOOT laid foundation stone of 2,500 capacity facility on April 20, 2016. Metropolitan Bamenda spent April 20, 2016 celebrating as the first beneficiary of what has become the first actions of FECAFOOT towards the development of football infrastructure in Cameroon.

The event was the laying of the foundation stone of an Olympic stadium for the metropolis with North West governor, Adolphe Lele Lafrique and the President of FECAFOOT, Tombi à Roko performing the ritual. It is all about what Tombi à Roko qualifies as the erection of a “Unique, futuristic and FIFA Standard infrastructure to improve the quality of the game of football and give spectators required comfort”.
Tombi A Roko Sidiki
Tombi A Roko Sidiki
The details reveal that the facility features 2500 covered seats, the latest generation of synthetic turf that allows for better evaluation of water, team dressing and Press rooms, TV Studio, VIP Chamber, Officials room, restaurant, Olympic running tracks and provision to handle at least seven sport disciplines. Rehabilitation works have been conceived to cost CFA 780 billion by the time the keys will be delivered on September 30, 2016.
On hand, the contractor, Ben Modo stated the commitment to be on time and on the budget to deliver quality work in six months. It was against this backdrop that governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique and the Government Delegate to the Bamenda City Council, Ndumu Nji Vincent saluted FECAFOOT for the infrastructure which inspires a new era for sports in the region.
The future Bamenda  Stadium - ceremony
It is indeed; historic for a city and region that has been crying in the rain for sport infrastructure with the Bamenda Municipal stadium emerging as the 3rd in gate takings after the Yaounde Ahmadou Ahidjo Stadium and the Douala Omnisport stadium.

Away from that, the governor urged FECAFOT to fulfill the 2nd wish of the North West region to feature prominently in hosting some aspects of the 2019 CAF nation’s Cup competition. The crowd puller event cheered when the Government Delegate announced the availability of some 80 hectares of land for FECAFOOT to develop into a standard FIFA stadium. In the short and long of it, FECAFOOT President, Tombi à Roko Said the development of infrastructure is the priority of the federation, in the conviction that football is a multi faceted vector of peace, unity and national harmony.

Source:Cameroon Tribune

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