In Buea Municipality, the construction of the training football stadium ahead of the Women African Cup of Nations is currently going on.
On Tuesday the 3rd at about 2-3pm, one of the caterpillar vehicle drivers working at this construction unit of the stadium reported to work as usual to resume duty from where he had left the previous day. After talking to reliable sources, Karawa's Diary was made to understand that the driver in question was actually coming to the field to carry out his very last assignment after which he will return home for good. He came this afternoon with his son as he assumed his work was not going to take long.
Something however mysterious happened at the scene. As the driver tried to mount his Caterpillar, the Caterpillar which was slightly tilted came down on him and had the driver struggling for his life as the caterpillar fell on him. Another caterpillar rushed to the scene and lifted the fallen one for the man to be rescued. He was alive when the caterpillar was lifted off him but not too alive to make it to the hospital. The caterpillar driver died on his way to the hospital.
I bet you will be asking the same questions like I asked after talking to sources around. How tilted could this heavy Caterpillar be to have fallen on this driver at just a step mount? What kind of weight did this driver have to have brought down this caterpillar on himself at just a step mount? In as much as work has continued at the pitch normally, this is mystery that is had to be decoded. May his soul rest in peace.
Accidents always smack of mystery, my dear friend.