Sunday 17 July 2016

Buea:Quarter boys plead to have the life of a thief to no avail-photos

Today at about 4:40pm in the molyko neighborhood,  a thief broke into a house and was noticed by passersby who immediately alerted the police.  The house in question was already surrounded by quarter boys who hoped to exhibit the normal jungle justice on the thief.  The thief remained in this house for over 25mins till police back up was called. The increase in pressure and tension from the presence of the police and boys hungry to beat took him out of his hiding place.

The quarter boys were however disappointed that despite their pleading to the police to let them deal with the thief their own way,  was not granted. Kudios to the police district though. KD readers, is it alright to promote jungle justice?

1 comment:

  1. Those who live by the law of Moses (an eye for an eye) shall be judged by that same Law on the last day ,while those who believe in redemption via Christ Jesus shall be judged by that law!

    Donot set your mind at being a judge if you don't have the strength and character to put an end to injustice!

    And let's not forget the fact that an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind!

    We need a Supreme Court which will never turn it's back on our God given liberties!


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