Wednesday 27 January 2016



My Testimony:
I recall in the early beginning of 2014, an old man woke me up from bed to inform me about the death of a young girl who died two weeks after she had put to birth a baby boy. The old man further beseeched me on behalf of the family of the deceased if I could help cater for the two weeks old baby. Truth lay bare, I was frightened for I had no experience raising up a baby, not to talk of my own. I however followed the old man to the funeral ground and found the baby lying lonely on a bed in a smoke kitchen crying to himself. This filled me with pity and compassion. Carrying the baby in my arms, I wept! I later called on the family members of the departed and asked if there was any one of them who could take care of the baby while I handle the costs but everyone present claimed they were married and had their own kids and families to look after. I returned home grieved, made a few arrangements and the next day I brought in the child. My mum and everyone around me were afraid of my decision and looking at the condition of the child, they were scared the baby will not survive. Even the family of the baby’s mother denied the child for this same fear since there were rumors that the mother died of HIV. First thing I did when I arrived home was getting into my room with the baby in my arms, locked the door, went down on my knees and prayed this prayer “Lord Jesus you said anything we ask in your name shall be given if only we believe. Father you are the giver of life, so I ask you to please help me keep this child alive and make him a great person so that his story may inspire others. I believe in you Lord. Amen”. I named the boy Caleb and today no one can believe this is the two weeks old baby whose mother died leaving him behind. He is the strongest, smartest and sweetest amongst children I have come across. He will start school September this year. I am not rich. I barely even have enough for myself and this kid didn’t survive because of the materials I could give but because of the love and passion which we all can share with one another if only we allow ourselves and believe. Thank you to those who have supported me all through and thanks and courage to all those helping one another in different ways around the world. God bless you. Attached are pictures of Caleb at various stages. By, Seta Withgodep Wiertz ( Seta Beatz).

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